August 29, 2023
The Root Center is working with Dr. Vaughn Steele for the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Study. TMS, short for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a treatment that applies a series of magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in areas of the brain known to be associated with major depression. During TMS, pictures related to substance use such as pill bottles and syringes are displayed while a scientist applies magnetic pulses. The participant is encouraged to reflect on the negative experiences of their addiction. The hope is that the part of the brain that controls pleasure-seeking behavior will get rewired in ways that ultimately alleviate cravings and strengthen self-control after undergoing the series of pulses. With the pairing of repetitive TMS treatments (rTMS) and the use of brain imaging such as MRIs, Dr. Steele, and his research team at Yale hope to bring more understanding and evidence to the usage of TMS as a strong treatment modality that can change addictive behavior in OUD recovery.
August 25, 2023
The Root Center is working with Dr. Sheila Alessi , from UConn Health, for the PEth study. Peth is an abbreviation for Phosphatidylethanol, which is a direct biomarker of alcohol that can detect moderate to heavy drinking with high sensitivity and specificity over three week periods.  This study evaluates the efficacy of contingency management, an evidence-based treatment that provides motivational incentives to those living with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), to help support their path to recovery. The research team specifically focuses on the improvement of the application of this treatment, with the overall goal of a reduction in drinking alcohol for those who utilize contingency management in their care. This will help to better the understand the impact that contingency management has on a patient’s care versus the usage of standard care.
August 15, 2023
The Root Center is working with Dr. Margaret Briggs-Gowan and Dr. Damion Grasso, from UConn Health, for the Parenting in the Pandemic Study (PIPS).
August 15, 2023
The Root Center is working with Dr. Lisa Barry and Dr. Kristyn Zajac, from UConn Health, to determine if conditions that are common in older people may help to identify who may be a higher risk of dropping out of treatment for a Substance Use Disorder.
August 15, 2023
The Root Center is collaborating with Dr. Kristyn Zajac, from UConn Health for the EMPOWER Study.
August 1, 2023
The Root Center is working with Dr. Margaret Briggs-Gowan and Dr. Damion Grasso, from UConn Health, for the Parenting in the Pandemic Study (PIPS).
July 31, 2023
The ARCS focuses on studying family stressors and their relationship to child neural threat reactivity to better understand children’s clinical vulnerability to psychiatric impairment in their lifetime.
July 31, 2023
POD study focuses on assessment of maternal psychosocial stress and maternal tolerance of infant distress alongside cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
April 18, 2023
We offer training and educational opportunities for both medical school students and undergraduates in programs including nursing, health studies, social work and counseling.
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